Today's the day! Patriot's Dreams is now available. Richard and Alexandra Berkeley are back, in an all new edition, with the final tale in their saga. Please join the Berkeley's and me as we take you on a perilous journey through the final phase of the Revolutionary War.
So here's the blurb: "The love of his life, like the American Nation, was forged in the crucible of War."
Would you enjoy an excerpt? Sure you would! Alexandra is the person viewing this scene. So here you go:
The following afternoon, a troop of British officers rode up the drive. The older man introduced himself as Colonel Nisbit Balfour and his adjutant as Major David Collingwood.
So that is his given name. Wherever have I seen him before?
The certainty of having met him at some other place and some other time nagged her. He was that sort of swaggering, arrogant officer cut from much the same cloth as Colonel Tarleton—only not as young. Nor as vain. Richard was right. His uniform appeared, somehow--dandified—and his boots shone, as if they had just been brushed. How could boots shine after a man had been in the saddle all day? It was almost as if the man had once worn a mask—or perhaps he wore one now. Unlike dear Colonel Tarleton, he was tall, but like the other man, he radiated a cruel sensuality. What does he hide behind his façade? The unshakable sense of familiarity made her skin crawl, though his demeanor remained gentlemanlike and pleasant.